Curious About Clicks
January 15, 2021
DMW Direct Digital Direct Marketing, Direct Q&A
Question: What the heck is a responsive ad and is it effective?
News and views to improve the strength and vigor of all your direct response marketing activity.
DMW Direct Digital Direct Marketing, Direct Q&A
Question: What the heck is a responsive ad and is it effective?
Renee Mezzanotte Digital Direct Marketing, Health Care Marketing, Insurance Direct Marketing, Medicare Marketing, Response Marketing, Trends and POV
From a recent article in RADAR on Medicare Advantage — plus added insights — reports and ideas on what is working in Medicare Marketing, both this fall and going into Q1 Open Enrollment.
Jen Stercula Boomer Marketing, Creative That Sells, DRTV, Digital Direct Marketing, Health Care Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Medicare Marketing, Response Marketing, Trends and POV
Phew! What a year. Health, wealth, politics, religion, family … did any topic or item of importance remain untouched? We’ll likely be feeling the reverberations of 2020 for some time to come. How did you make the time to read at all?
Question: I want people to watch my commercial, but is it too long?
Renee Mezzanotte Boomer Marketing, Health Care Marketing, Insurance Direct Marketing, Medicare Marketing, Response Marketing, Action Brand - Action Marketing
Today’s Medicare Advantage market has become increasingly commoditized. Products are difficult to differentiate. Comparing promises made by various plans exposes a “Sea of Sameness:” good service, great benefits, etc.