
News and views to improve the strength and vigor of all your direct response marketing activity.

Being a marketer is kind of like being a scientist. You come up with a hypothesis or an idea that you think will help sell your product or service; you execute your experiment, aka your campaign; you test it and analyze your results. And all along the way, you have to answer all kinds of questions – and deciding the who, the what, and the why at each stage can make or break your results.

At DMW, we’re with you. As direct marketers, we field questions all the time. From new ad formats and media decisions, to the latest creative innovations and all kinds of strategic and tactical concerns. And WE ask questions, too. Not only to be better marketers, but to get better results for our clients.

Now we’re sharing some of those marketing questions, and answers, with you. If you’ve ever wondered how DRTV can help sell your products, or how to set truly meaningful KPIs, we’re here to help answer those questions and so much more. Of course, if you’re looking for a great direct agency to help your business grow, we’re here for that, too! We’re here to turn your direct marketing problems into solutions — and sales. And we’re tapping into our most valuable asset — our DMW team.

Question: Could old creative be driving away new clients?

Question: I want people to watch my commercial, but is it too long?

Question: Do people really read mail? And how can I make them like the mail I send?

Visit us each month for brand new Direct Q&A questions and answers with weigh-in from our experts in every department: Strategic Teams, Creative Directors, Digital Specialists, and Media Director … we’re here to provide informed answers. And if you need a knowledgeable team to help plan and implement your next campaign, we’re here for that, too. You can contact us here.